Growing up, I was a big fan of Dr. Seuss books – I Wish I Had Duck Feet and Green Eggs and Ham were personal favorites. My interest was renewed once I had kids.
Has a salacious headline ever misled you into reading an article? In the internet world, we call this a clickbait. Its purpose is to attract attention
This week marks the end of an era. With over fifteen years of The Daily Show circulating in my brain, I am no longer a passive observer of news.
For those of us comedy nerds, the new biopic, I Am Chris Farley, was something special. There wasn’t necessarily anything I did not already know, but it
Welcome to another edition of leadersayswhat’s the Weekender, a microbe of thought to start your weekend on the right track. Why just a microbe (versus
Welcome to another edition of leadersayswhat’s the Weekender, a baggie of information to start your weekend on the right track. Why a baggie versus a full-sized backpack?
There is an onslaught of information on the need to find meaningful work. It doesn’t take research (although there’s plenty to support the idea) to know
Welcome to another edition of leadersayswhat’s the Weekender, a peek of information to start your weekend on the right track. Why just a once-over?
Welcome to another edition of leadersayswhat’s the Weekender, a skyline of information to start your weekend on the right track. Why a skyline and not the whole sky?
When faced with opposing ideas, it often falls on the leader to find common ground. The key is to resolve the conflict in a way where everyone comes out a winner.