In last week’s article, I recommended taking an inventory of what you’ve accomplished this past year and what you’d like to learn in 2015.
Are you as tired as I am with the annual year-end Top 10 lists? Top songs. Top newsmakers. Top gadgets. I even saw the Top 10 hashtags that started a conversation.
How committed are you to your ideals? How far would you go to prove your point? On the Discovery Channel’s Eaten Alive, Paul Rosolie hosted a show where
If I could give you a magic pill to make you more intelligent, would you take it? What if this “pill” existed in the form of physical activity?
I was once walking through a warehouse with a Plant Manager when we came upon a trashcan that was tipped over. The mess was minimal and seemed “clean” (i.
The following is from guest writer, Ed Russo. Since 1988 we have been captivated by Discovery Channel’s homage to sharks known to the world as Shark Week.
There is something amusing about the buffoon. Since the advent of TV and movies, we have been witness to countless characters who act with certainty as
It’s easy to sit around waiting for your next big break. If you’re tired of waiting, it’s on you to make something happen. That’s what John Ratzenberger did.
Leaders must constantly be on the lookout for impending doom. Only then can they swerve to avoid it. Fortunately, many catastrophes are preventable.
We are all tired of hearing co-workers say, “that’s how we’ve always done it,” but how many of us adhere to this idea even though we reject saying the phrase?