Ready for the Olympics? Before you get your popcorn and settle into the couch to watch the greatest athletes in the world compete, load up on some leadership
When I speak with newly hired leaders, I find myself advising them to avoid bashing their new company. This may seem counterintuitive, but it is actually quite common.
I’m a completionist—when I’ve set my mind to complete a task, I do it. This may sound like a positive trait, but that’s only because you are looking at
Welcome to another edition of leadersayswhat’s the Weekender, an Ewok-sized chunk of thought to start your weekend on the right track. Why just an Ewok
This week marks an important occasion in both science and history. On October 21st, 2015, Dr. Emmett Brown and Marty McFly traveled from 1985 in their
We live in a time when appearing to try is considered off-putting. We are expected to be fully competent and act as though it all came naturally.
I was sitting through a board meeting a few weeks ago staring at the clock when I realized that every second ticking by was an instant of time gone forever.