This weekend, Saturday Night Life celebrates its 40th anniversary. If you’ve studied comedy, four decades of success is unprecedented. Most shows lose
I was cleaning out the garage last weekend when I found a box of old mix tapes from my high school days. My Walkman was in the same box so I popped in
Comic books
Leaders are surrounded by individuals trying to influence their decisions. Some are unselfishly attempting to persuade the leader because they believe
I recently ran into one of the first managers of my professional life. To give you the shorthand, whenever I cite what a leader should not do, I am describing
When you hear a leader refer to the team as “followers” do you cringe? We are raised to not be a follower, but why does it have such a negative connotation?
When I began my first leadership role, I made a novice mistake – I surrounded myself with people who agreed with me. Whether it was my fragile ego or my